$10,201,574 in total relief funding
ESSER IFunding Ends Sept. 2022
ESSER IIFunding Ends Sept. 2023
ARP ESSERFunding Ends Sept. 2024
On this page, you will find ESSER I allocation information for your district. ESSER I funds were allocated to districts through the CARES Act passed in March 2020. This money is required to be spent by September 30, 2022. To view the district’s plan, click here to access the district’s website.
The total amount of money the district received from ESSER I.
The total amount of money the district received from ESSER I.
*This data is from the Alabama State Department of Education.
On this page, you will find ESSER II allocation information for your district. ESSER II funds were allocated to districts through the CRRSA Act passed in December 2020. This money is required to be spent by September 30, 2023. To view the district’s plan, click here to access the district’s website.
The total amount of money the district received from ESSER II.
The total amount of money the district received from ESSER II.
*This data is from the Alabama State Department of Education.
On this page, you will find planned and actual ARP ESSER spending data for your district broken down by category. ARP ESSER funds were allocated to districts through the American Rescue Plan passed in March 2021. This money is required to be spent by September 30, 2024.
Actual spending data will be added after annual reporting deadlines in September of each year. For descriptions of what each spending category includes, hover over category names.
The total amount of money the district received from ARP ESSER.
The total amount of money per student the district received from ARP ESSER.
*districts must spend at least 20% of these funds on learning loss. Click here to see more allowable uses.
Amount spent on academics by the district, including teachers, tutoring programs, curricula and instructional materials, etc.
Amount spent on academics by the district, including teachers, tutoring programs, curricula and instructional materials, etc.
Amount district spent on out-of-school time programs, specifically summer and afterschool learning programs.
Amount district spent on out-of-school time programs, specifically summer and afterschool learning programs.
Amount district spent on technology for students and employees, including computers, learning platforms, technology infrastructure, and more.
Amount district spent on technology for students and employees, including computers, learning platforms, technology infrastructure, and more.
Amount district spent on mental health supports, including school psychologists, behavioral specialists, and social emotional learning.
Amount district spent on mental health supports, including school psychologists, behavioral specialists, and social emotional learning.
Amount district spent on professional development for teachers and administrators.
Amount district spent on professional development for teachers and administrators.
Amount district spent on engaging parents and families in their students' education and spending of COVID relief money.
Amount district spent on engaging parents and families in their students' education and spending of COVID relief money.
Amount district spent on facility improvement, including on HVAC purchase, installation, and repair, as well as for roofs, new classrooms, etc.
Amount district spent on facility improvement, including on HVAC purchase, installation, and repair, as well as for roofs, new classrooms, etc.
Amount district spent on administrative and indirect costs, such as costs for personnel to manage funds, supplies, and overhead.
Amount district spent on administrative and indirect costs, such as costs for personnel to manage funds, supplies, and overhead.
Percentage of funding spent on other needs, including COVID-19 safety precautions and more.
Percentage of funding spent on other needs, including COVID-19 safety precautions and more.
This data is based on the original plan submitted by the district in 2021. These numbers will be updated to reflect any future changes to the district’s plan. To view the current plan on the state grant portal, click here. To see the district website, click here.
Black, Hispanic, and low-income students have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, both academically and otherwise. In order to accurately reflect the impact of COVID-19 as well as the impact of recovery measures, each district tracker page will show what percentage of the student body these subpopulations make up. Percentages may exceed 100% depending on how students identify their race and ethnicity.
Percentage of district enrollment that identifies as Black or African American in 2020
Percentage of district enrollment that identifies as Hispanic in 2020
Percentage of district enrollment that identifies as White in 2020
Percentage of district enrollment that qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch in 2020
It’s critical for state and district leaders to continually ask if the way that they are investing COVID federal funds is having a measurable impact on student outcomes. The goal of this federal money is to address learning loss and get kids back on track. We cannot take our eyes off this goal. Student outcomes include proficiency data from state assessments, formative assessment data, attendance data, and culture/discipline data.
A+ will track ACAP proficiency data through the next three school years to see if district investments are making an impact on the most important stakeholders: students.
No Data Found
No Data Found
No Data Found
No Data Found
How We Arrived at these Numbers
The numbers represented on this tracker were calculated using the data available from each district’s submitted plan found on In order to make this data easy to understand, the numbers in the plan were broken down into the categories found in this tracker. To learn more about what falls under each category, refer to the data dictionary linked here. Please note that these numbers are estimates only.
If you have a question about any of these numbers, please contact us at [email protected].